A Word about the Weekend - COMMUNITY


COMMUNITY. We toss the word around and talk about how important it is... A community is an organized group of individuals united by a common trait. It could be a love of fly fishing, Harry Potter novels, or political activism. There’s something powerful, fulfilling, and comforting about meeting up with others who share an interest.

For the Church, that common trait must be Jesus Christ! Our community is grounded in and flows from the Gospel. 

America today is a nation of individuals, and this impacts the way we live, think and believe. However, Christian discipleship happens in the context of community. We grow best not just from information, but through interaction. 

When we preach the gospel to one another in close-knit community, there is spiritual growth that changes us individually and as a whole. That change causes us to position for an outward focus and encourage gospel transformation in the communities outside the church walls.

Join us this weekend as Associate Pastor, Scott Alexander shares with us the importance of "community" as a discipline that helps us GROW UP!