Changing Seasons

changing seasons

Changing Seasons

“You made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to set.” Psalm 104:19 NLT

“Spring is the time of year when it is summer in the sun and winter in the shade.” ― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

How well do you deal with change? There are some who are pioneers, leaders who live for change... Some people think that change is a dessert after every meal. Most are not like that! Most say “Don’t throw too many changes at me“. It can create havoc on our psyche. Change gives us great consternation.

But change is woven into the fabric of our world. There is a God-ordained rhythm to life…day and night… seasons…years.

The falling leaves of Autumn and the budding flowers of Spring visibly remind us of this concept of change. So do the unexpected circumstances of our lives — a medical diagnosis; a job change; a new relationship.

But honestly, I don’t always pick up on the rhythm. I don’t always follow the cadence of the beat! Changes come and I struggle with them and even resist them at times. Moving from one phase of life to another can bring huge emotional or physical toil. 

Yet I am learning that there are valuable lessons to be learned in the changing seasons of our lives. Character-building lessons; comfort-stretching lessons; faith-enriching lessons!

Our youngest daughter, Heidi is a creature of routine and habit. She likes consistency, familiarity, and status quo. This year has been quite a challenge for her as both of her older sisters are now attending college. Over the last few weeks of the summer, it began to dawn on her that they had enrolled in school and would be moving away.

During those weeks, we saw a few teary episodes and some raw emotions from her, but the tipping point came just after school was back in session. 

Around this same time, Stephanie and I did some VERY minor remodeling projects in our home, including installing tile backsplash in the kitchen. The first day that Heidi came home from school and saw this new development (literally 16” of change in the form of covered up sheetrock), she exclaimed in a voice of shear exasperation, “I HATE IT! I do not like that at all and I wish it was back the way it was before!” Her backpack slid from her shoulder and to the floor. She then melted only the kitchen floor with it and began to cry. Through her tears she said, “THERE’S JUST SO MUCH CHANGE IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!”

We have laughed about that extreme response to such a minor change…but we have also reflected on it. Little did we know that only a few short months later, God would be guiding our family into a new season of life and ministry. We would be leaving the familiar and taking on a new role of service in a new field of ministry.

He had been preparing us in the last season for the new one! He was shaping us so that we’d be ready. That said, regardless of the season you are currently in, know these two things:

1) There are lessons for you in this season—soak them up! Be fully present. Take time to engage in real and meaningful conversations with the people around you.Embrace the changing seasons of your life… Love, laugh, learn in them!

2) Our great and unchangeable God knows the season you are in…and He knows what lies ahead! During the changing seasons of your life… hold the hand of the unchangeable God with faith and confidence! Know that the seasons will change, but He will guide you!

A songwriter once said it beautifully… “I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds tomorrow and I know Who holds my hand”.