Christ in the Passover

passover presentation

Join us for this amazing presentation of the traditional “Seder” meal with the emphasis on Jesus - our Passover Lamb!

The festival of the Passover has been celebrated by Jews for thousands of years. It is the retelling of the great story of how God redeemed the Jewish nation from enslavement in Egypt. The celebration itself was given to the Jews while they were still in Egypt. The original celebration centered around the Passover lamb, which was sacrificed and its blood put over the doorposts as a sign of faith, so that the Lord passed over the houses of the Jews during the last plague poured out on the Egyptians - the killing of every firstborn. 

The New Testament says that Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb. The Passover lamb was to be a "male without defect," which is the same description given to Jesus. In addition, when the lamb was roasted and eaten, none of its bones were to be broken. This fact was also prophesied for the Messiah, whose bones were not to be broken. It was customary during crucifixion to break the leg bones of the person after a few hours in order to hasten their death.

The only way a person could breathe when hanging on a cross was to push up with his legs, which was very exhausting. By breaking the legs, death followed soon by asphyxiation. However, in the case of Jesus, they broke the legs of the other two men, but did not break His, since He was already dead.

We encourage you to celebrate the Passover with us. This will be a powerful presentation of the gospel of Christ in a fun and non-threatening manner.

Rev. Bill Freeman, founder of the “Promise Land Journey" will lead us!
Passover flyer pic


Also, check out information regarding our "THIS IS LOVE" sermon series here.
