How God's Work Gets Done

September 23, 2018

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 24:4–14

Today's Message: How God's Work Gets Done
Text: 2 Chronicles 24:4-14
Dr. Scott Hanberry
As in the days of Joash, hearts filled with God’s grace will be followed with hands filled with offerings for his work, which in turn will lead to hearts filled with joy in serving the Lord. God calls us to worship Him with our offerings. He leads us in spiritual renewal through the power of his Word. He leads us away from the lure of the idols and inspires us to devote our hearts and lives to Him. Love for the Savior, who was willing to offer his life as a sacrifice for our sins, leads us to dedicate our hearts to God. God’s Word offers an established pattern for how His work is accomplished.
1. God’s work gets done by ___________ ____________.

~ Men of ________________.
~ Men of ______________ ______________.
~ Men of ________________.

2. God’s work gets done by ___________ ____________.

God wants you to give cheerfully as you have purposed in  your heart, _______________ with ____________________ to  Him for His indescribable gift to you in Christ. 

Love is a longing to give to the beloved, and whoever truly loves God will know no keener delight than surrender for His dear sake. We need to bring our hearts more under the influence of God’s love to us, that our love to Him may be increased. Love will always excite the impulse to glad giving. ~ Alexander MacLaren
3. God’s work gets done by ___________ ____________.

What was the result? “They offered burnt offerings in the house of the Lord continually all the days of Jehoiada” (24:14). The offerings were an act of worship, a sweet-smelling savor to God, just as our lives are to be offered continually to God as an act of worship because of His mercy toward us in Christ (Rom. 12:1-2).