Born Again to a Living Hope

April 21, 2019

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3–9

Welcome to Hardy Street Baptist Church for this Resurrection Sunday Celebration!

In our text today, Peter writes to a group of real people who were experiencing a life of inexpressible joy, radical love, and deep faith…all in spite of very difficult trials! Can we experience this kind of life today?

What was their secret?

(1) They discovered a ______________ ____________ through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

(2) They had experienced a __________ _______________.
The new birth is a change of mind, and heart, and will that is brought about by God.

MIND - _____________________ _______________________
HEART - _____________________ _______________________
WILL - A radical change of life’s _______________________!

(3) They were brought into an __________________________.

(4) They were __________________ by God.

What do I do?

_____________________ your need.

____________________ to ___________________.

1 Peter 1:3-9