June 9, 2019 Series: I Almost Quit

Scripture: Psalm 73:22–26

Asaph almost quit. His feet almost slipped (vs 2). He was struggling to make sense of what God was doing around him, but God brought him out of despair and discouragement to hope and wholeness. His journey began with a decision to stop, focus on God, and confess his sin. Today, we pick up with the next step on this road to recovery!

We see a radical shift from a ________ - ____________ life to a 
________ - ____________ life!

Self is our most constant enemy. It is the most prolific cause of all of our unhappiness!

Faith is not about your ___________ to _________, but about 
the _____________________ of God.

(1) God in ____________ for you. (25)

People, Pleasures, Possessions

2) God on Earth __________ you. (25)

You can live with freedom when you discover that Christ is the center of eternity and Christ is the center of your life here on earth.

(3) God through ___________ with you.

Asaph is moving through the progression of life & he is moving toward death... But even there, God is his portion and the strength of his heart.

Paul echoes this thought - “For me to live is Christ, and to die is
gain.” Philippians 1:21

If living is Christ for you, then dying will be gain for you... Because in dying you get more of Christ! -John Piper

More in I Almost Quit

June 2, 2019

CONFESS: A Step Toward God

May 19, 2019

Is Following God Worth It?