Gathered & Scattered: Worship/Missions

July 14, 2019 Series: RESTORE: Heart-Cries for Revival

Scripture: Isaiah 66

Sermon Series: RESTORE: Heart-Cries for Revival
Today's Message: GATHERED & SCATTERED: Worship/Missions
Text: Isaiah 66
Dr. Scott Hanberry

A _____ church increasingly becomes a _____ church.

Those who _____ Christ's glory are compelled to ____ Christ's glory.

1.) Seeing Christ's _____ is the _____ of Worship.

The heart of worship lies not in what we _____ but in what we _____.

2.) Seeing Christ's Glory is a ____, a miracle of _____.

3.) Seeing Christ's Glory _____ Your Life. 

4.) Seeing Christ Glory demands _____!

5.) When God restores worship, people will pursue _____.

God calls all to serve as _____, but distinctly calls some people to serve Him as ____ - _____ missionaries.

Effective missionaries are worshippers gripped by God's Glory!

Unreached and ____ people are the focus of God's mission. 

Proclaiming Christ's Glory is central to our missionary task.

Bringing people from all nations is God's promise and our joy.

More in RESTORE: Heart-Cries for Revival

August 4, 2019

A Vision of Hope

July 28, 2019

Fast Forward

July 21, 2019

Restored Perspective: A Window into the Heart of God