2017 - Goals, Growth, & the Gospel


Creating a Gospel Life Plan for 2017

I am so incredibly grateful for my friend, George Ross. He has challenged, encouraged, and sharpened me in so many ways. Most significantly, in the area of setting goals and clarifying priorities in life, family, and ministry.

Now that the New Year is upon us, it is that time of year, time to reflect on and evaluate the passing year and look forward toward the new year.

George shares the following info regarding his family and how they take time to develop a comprehensive plan for the upcoming New Year.

"December is the month where my family and I take our yearly Gospel Life Plan retreat. These are some of the sweetest times we know as a family. Over the course of a few days, we look back at our goals and plans for loving God, leading well, and living the gospel. Joy and I are blessed to spend time individually with our kids reflecting on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. This time is also an opportunity for our family to separately and corporately set new goals for the coming year. Gospel Life Plan retreats have allowed us to grow closer as a family, see God's gracious fruit of the gospel, and challenged us to pursue Jesus with greater passion and affection.

You can download the Gospel Life Plan Worksheet and resources by clicking the link below. Don't miss out on an oppurtunity to commit your life and year to loving God, leading well, and living the gospel as you and your family manifest God's kingdom here on earth."

Gospel Life Plan Resources (Here)

So, what are your goals for 2017? Would love to start some dialog below!

Are you looking to make focused improvements in your faith? finances? relationships? fitness? Let me hear from you! 

Dr. Scott Hanberry