A Lack of Forgiveness

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Yesterday, I spoke on Forgiveness from Matthew 6:12. I mentioned that I would share this week some additional insights. Here goes day 1.

What happens when we refuse to forgive? Here are ten consequences of an unforgiving spirit. 

1. Our fellowship with the Father is blocked.

2. The Holy Spirit is grieved.

3. Your prayers will not be answered.

4. God leaves you alone to face the problems of life in your own power.

5. The devil gains a foothold through your bitterness.

6. You force God to become your enemy.

7. You lose the blessing of God on your life.

8. You waste time nursing a wounded spirit.

9. You become enslaved to the people you hate.

10. You become like the people you refuse to forgive.**

Our real problem of unforgiveness is personal. We don’t see ourselves as very great sinners; therefore, we do not appreciate how greatly God has forgiven us. But when your own sins seem small, the sins of others against you will seem big indeed. The reverse is also true. The greater you see the depth of your sin before God, the less the sins of other people against you will bother you.

If you think you’re not much of a sinner, then the offenses of other people are going to appear in your eyes as big. Don’t talk about repentance unless you are willing to forgive your brothers & sisters. Unless you are willing to forgive, your repentance is just so much hot air & empty talk.

True repentance always starts with a change of mind that leads to a change of heart that leads to a change (in this case) in the way we view those who have sinned against us.

**(This list was compiled using material from R. T. Kendall, Waylon Moore, & Calvary missionary Bob Leland.)