Gospel Life Plan


INTENTIONALITY (in·ten·tion·al·i·ty)
in-ten-CHəˈ nal-i-tee

At Hardy Street Baptist Church, we are calling 2016 a year of "intentionality"! All of our programming, planning, prayer, efforts and energy are being filtered through an intentional and prioritized grid that will keep us focused on primary issues! Prayer, Evangelism, Discipleship, and Missions are our four key areas of emphasis.

In line with that objective is an exciting event that we are hosting on Saturday, January 23 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. The "Gospel Life Plan Workshop" is a wonderful way for leaders to prioritize their lives and become more intentional in areas of discipleship and leadership. 

NAMB Missionary, George Ross introduces the “Gospel Life Plan” - a discipleship tool that will greatly increase your focus and can lead to higher productivity, more fulfilling ministry, and greater spiritual vitality in 2016! Anyone serious about disciple-making should attend!


A Gospel Life Plan is a simple process of evaluation and goal setting that will help you to experience he most intentional and fruitful ministry and relationships possible.
Cultivating a healthy habit of planning is essential in creating a gospel life plan. George Ross will coach you through the process to implement times of planning, calendaring, and evaluation.

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.” — Luke 14:28–30

You will evaluate your calling, your priorties and your ministry context. Then, you will learn to set and evaluate goals and progress!

Areas impacted by a Gospel Life Plan:

Physical, Mental, & Spiritual Health
Relationships, Family, Ministry, Finances, Fitness and more!

The workshop cost is $20 includes workshop materials and lunch. You can register by email or by phone- contact Mary Laura at 601-544-1794

The registration deadline is Friday, January 15th and Space is limited, so sign up today!


George Ross
NAMB Missionary to New Orleans
(Send North America)

Learn more about George and the process of a Gospel Life Plan.

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