The Church that Threatens Hell, Part 2

April 28, 2016 Series: IT MATTERS: How You Behave

Topic: Spiritual Warfare Scripture: Acts 19:11–20

IT MATTERS: How You Behave! 
Acts 19:11-20
Dr. Scott Hanberry

1) The early church was DEVOTED to TRUTH.

They were continually persisting in doing all that Jesus had taught the apostles (and them) to do. (Acts 2:42)

2) The early church was DEPENDENT on PRAYER.

Prayer enables us with power, energizes us with boldness, & endows us with purpose. (Acts 4:31)

3) The early church was a DEMONSTRATION of EVANGELISM.

Paul spoke of his love and burning passion for unbelievers.We must not become so obsessed with our own struggles & spiritual growth that we forget about people who need to know Christ.

4) The early church was DIRECTED by the HOLY SPIRIT.

It is impossible to read the book of Acts without seeing the evident power of the Holy Spirit working through the first-century churches—not just in the miraculous sign gifts, but in the daily witness of the churches. - (Acts 8:29, 39)

5) The early church was DEAD to SIN & SELF

The unalterable basis of an open heaven is a grave, and a crisis at which you come to an end of your own self-life. It is the crisis of real experiential identification with Christ in His death.” Sparks (Acts 4:33)

More in IT MATTERS: How You Behave

May 15, 2016

Congratulations, You Are Gifted!

May 8, 2016

An Appropriate Response to the Gospel

April 24, 2016

The Church That Threatens Hell