
July 9, 2017 Series: Connected 3D

Topic: Family Scripture: Genesis 10:1– 11:11

Sermon Series: Connected 3D
Today's Message: Babel
Text: Genesis 10-11
Dr. Scott Hanberry

Technology brings many benefits to our lives. But excessive screen time
can create a flat, one-dimensional existence. We were made for the rich, three-dimensional experience of relationship with God and one another.

So, while technology is great for some types of communication, it is no substitute for real-world, face-to-face connection. As we embrace various tools of technology, we ask very few questions about how those tools affect and change us. Today, we will attempt to ask and answer some of those questions!

1) God has ordered a HIERARCHY. Genesis 1:27-28

2) We are charged with EXERCISING DOMINION in a faithful way.
(Your job has a sacred root).

3) Anytime the hierarchy of God’s design is rearranged, CHAOS ensues!

4) Salvation in Jesus is not ultimately and only about admitting, “God is God” is admitting that I AM NOT!

Human history is a recorded account of people exercising dominion in faithful and in faithless ways.

5) Technology is not good or evil, it is NEUTRAL.

The question becomes, “how do I exercise dominion
(use tools)? Faithfully or faithlessly? For good purposes or evil purposes?


Do you RULE over your devices or vice versa?


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