A Word about the Weekend - Hungry?


Hunger and Thirst...

Hunger and thirst are common to the human experience... Ever heard the expression, "Im so hungry I could eat a horse" or "I'm so thirsty I could drink the ocean"... Have you ever been famished from hunger or parched with thirst?

In fact, its such a familiar experience, it goes beyond physical food and drink... When someone is passionately committed to his task, we say he’s hungry for it. We might say that an athelete who has lost their edge or coasted on their laurels is just not hungry...

Jesus pronounced blessing on the ones who are hungry for righteousness. Blessed are those whose thirst for righteousness is a consuming passion. Often, we want the approval of God—but the applause of men can be deafening, and it can cause us to turn our attention toward achieving everything else apart from what Christ set as the priority for His people: to be righteous. Being righteous is not all that complicated; it means doing what is right. We have to have a passion to do what is right.

We’re conditioned to define ourselves in terms of our accomplishments rather than in terms of our character. But Jesus pronounced blessing on a character trait: blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. 

This weekend, we'll explore what it means to cultivate that hunger and thirst! JOIN US!